Too few files, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' are given
Premalo datoteka, minimalno '%min%' se očekuje, ali se daje '%count%'
Is the agent allowed to change the treasurer of the user's payment to another agent?
No translations found
Create a Tour
Napravite obilazak
A brief description of your activity
Kratki opis Vaše aktivnosti
You have already applied to join %s.
Već ste podnijeli prijavu da se pridružite %s.
Remove closing?
Uklonite zatvaranje
Your are logged in, therefore you cannot delete your own user.
Ulogovani ste, stoga ne možete izbrisati vlastitog korisnika.
NRC: The total must be paid back, no commission is paid out.
NRS: Ukupni iznos se mora platiti, komisija se ne naplaćuje.
Net Payment
Neto plaćanje
Gross Amount
No translations found
There is no in-house guests.
Nema gostiju u ovom smještaju.
Paid via Payment Gateway
Plaćeno kroz kanal plaćanja
You have successfully applied, but please fill in the form which is opened in new window
No translations found
Date To
Datum do
Booking details for
Detalji za rezervaciju
Online Agent
No translations found
Shop item successfully saved.
Artikal je uspješno spašen.
New password
Nova šifra
The payment gateway credentials were updated succesfully.
Potvrde za kanal plaćanja su uspješno ažurirane.
The payment gateway was activated.
Kanal plaćanja je aktiviran.
The payment gateway was NOT activated. Please check the errors in the form below.
Kanal plaćanja NIJE aktiviran. Molimo Vas da provjerite da li postoje greške u formularu koji se nalazi ispod.
[%s] New Booking of %s
No translations found
You have successfully changed settings for TrekkSoft Gateway
Uspješno ste promijenili postavke za TrekkSoft Gateway
You have successfully switched to the Trekksoft Gateway.
Uspješno ste se prebacili na Trekksoft Gateway.
Hi! We have reviewed your application for our marketplace and decided to reject it. Thanks for your application.
Zdravo! Pregledali smo Vašu prijavu za naše tržište i odlučili smo da je odbijemo. Hvala Vam na Vašoj prijavi!
every %d weeks
svake %d sedmice
Please enter information about your activity
Molimo Vas da unesete informacije o Vašoj aktivnosti
and a PDF document describing the activity
i PDF dokument koji opisuje Vašu aktivnost
Enter a description what your offer includes so the customer gets a good overview what he gets when he books
Unesite opis onoga što Vaša ponuda sadrži kako bi kupac mogao dobiti jasne informacije šta će dobiti kada izvrši rezervaciju
Enter a bullet list of the main highlights of your activity. We recommend to add from 3 to 8 items.
Unesite listu sa glavnim karakteristikama Vaše aktivnosti. Preporučujemo Vam da dodate između 3 i 8 artikala.
Here include a detailed itinerary of your product. If there is no fixed itinerary just write about the options the customers can choose from when he books this offer.
Ovdje unesite detaljnu turu Vašeg proizvoda. Ako ova tura nije fiksna, napišite koje opcije kupac može izabrati prilikom rezervacije ove ponude.
Manage Availability for
Upravljajte dostupnošću za
Your subscription was successfully changed.
Vaša pretplata je uspješno promijenjena.
at least on payment method is required: %s
No translations found
We failed to activate your new plan: %s
Nismo uspjeli da aktiviramo Vaš novi plan: %s
Amount used
Količina korištena
Is Paid?
Plaćeno je?
Active funding instrument is required to activate the subscription
No translations found
You have successfully rejected the special subscription.
Uspješno ste odbili posebnu pretplatu.
Cart Overview
Pregled kolica
You have successfully cancelled your subscription.
Uspješno ste otkazali Vašu pretplatu.
You store has been activated successfully.
No translations found
You will owe this money to <strong>%s</strong>.
Dugovaćete ovaj novac <strong>%s</strong>.
Credit card entered is incorrect
No translations found
Successfully saved user %s.
Korisnik %s je uspješno spašen.
You have successfully setup PayPal as your payment method. We will charge you the subscription fee and transaction commission on your PayPal account:
Uspješno ste podesili PayPal kao Vaše sredstvo plaćanje. Naplatićemo od Vas naknadu za pretplatu i proviziju za Vaš PayPal račun:

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